Author at work on the current novel: Setting–destination wedding in the San Juan Islands of Washington State.

Some exciting things are going on at Words are Forever during this time of isolation and unrest. My summer classes failed to materialize, so I’m dedicating the time to writing, rewriting, networking, and mastering the technical issues involved in getting a business online. Those of you who know me realize that last item is no small matter. But on to more fun goals.
My big project for the summer is to rewrite, restructure, and replot “Lavender Deception.” This week I have been examining character motivations, connections, and the logistics involved in the evil plan. As usual, inspiration struck just as I was settled in for a long summer’s sleep. I pulled out my handy pen and notepad and wrote as fast as I could. In the morning I discovered my unscheduled brainstorming was spot on. The insights eliminate a lot of the plot glitches and clarify some character motives as well as help me move the pieces across the board—in this case, the San Juan Islands of Washington State.

Here are some of the question that arose:
- Who stands to gain from the scheme?
- Where did X and Y meet?
- Why did Z get involved?
- Who is the mastermind?
- Who got pulled in innocently?
- Where is the ringleader getting information on Torrie’s activities?
Surprise villain
My draft of Lavender Deception has taken a lot of unexpected turns. I have a couple characters who are clearly villains and a couple more who are likely. As I read through a recent draft, I decided at least one was way too obvious. It’s nice to have readers guess the “bad guy,” but I wanted them to have to work for it. I decided I needed to tone down the evil deeds and widen the field of suspects.

Then something happened that I’ve never experienced before: I discovered a surprise antagonist. Not planned, but discovered. It was a character who had been friendly and helpful throughout the story, but unexpectedly emerged as underhanded and scheming. Now that I know he/she is in on the dastardly plot, I have to go back and insert some clues so the reader will guess their identity before I did.
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