Do you want to see your book in print? Do you know what steps a manuscript goes through before it reaches the reading public? Although the reasons for writing are many, the process of getting published through traditional means is similar no matter what you write or what your end goal. (Self-publishing is a […]
Enter the Novelist
For many people–readers and writers alike–writing novels defines the writing life. After all, when we study literature in school, it’s usually novels we’re assigned to read and report on, with the occasional short story thrown in. Plus, if you’re on your way to becoming an avid author, it’s probably because you were an avid reader–a […]
Options for Fiction Writers
Fiction writers, unite! There’s something special about the ability to create new worlds, one-of-a-kind characters, and never-before-experienced history. An author of fiction can present ideas that would be resisted, if not rejected outright, in non-fiction. So if you’ve been holding back because you’ve been told that fiction is just “escapism,” read on.